Grow your business with a website content writer

One of the costliest mistakes you can make in business is to spend money on a beautiful website but not engage a website content writer to fill it with the right words.

It’s this simple: by using the wrong words, you’re losing business.

So, what are the wrong words?

They’re words that make it all about you instead of putting your target audience and their wants front and centre.

They’re words that are confusing or use industry jargon. These make it harder for your audience to understand what you offer.

They’re words that don’t challenge your audience to act—whether that’s buying a product, booking an appointment, making a donation, or something else.

With a website content writer using the right words to nail your business message, you can unlock your potential and grow your brand.

You need to make it as easy as possible for your target audience to give you their business.

This means having key marketing messages that are clear. Your audience needs to know what’s in it for them by giving you their business, and they need to know how you want them to give you that business.

These messages should be quick to understand. If you’re burying important information in large paragraphs of text or hard-to-find places, then you’re requiring your audience to do more work and spend more time to get to the bottom of what you do­ and what the benefits are for them.

One of the easiest ways to lose business to a competitor is not communicating with clarity.

It’s the reason why the most successful businesses, and the biggest brands, are not always the ones with the best products or services—they’re the ones that communicate the clearest and quickest to their target audience.

The takeaway?

Don’t waste your audience’s time.

Get your message right so people waste less time having to think about whether to give you their business—the less they have to think about it, the more likely you are to win them over!

Our content marketers partner with you, guiding you through the creation of everything from your brand strategy and website strategy to persuasive, SEO-friendly website content that helps you achieve your business goals.

Start the journey today with Argon’s website content writers to grow your business—contact us on 08 8223 3099 or email

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