New SA Logo and Branding

So by now most people have seen it.

The new logo for the State of South Australia, designed by Ken Cato, was launched during this past week with Premier Jay Weatherill describing the new design as a ‘bold statement about our place in Australia and our place in the world’. However there has been an extreme backlash via social media and other media outlets describing the insignia as ‘hideously disappointing’ and ‘conservative and boring’, while there have also been likenesses made to the form as a ‘squashed milk carton’.

SA Logo Parodies
Two parodies to emerge since the recent SA Logo launch.

Like with any marketing, the brand is not just about the logo in isolation but instead the overall branding package, including how and where the logo is applied, the rules that are applied to it and the style and consistency of the content that surrounds it.

For example the 2012 London Olympic Logo, designed by Wolff Olins, caused a lot of commotion about it’s extremely simple form although the base elements that were taken from this and applied to TV coverage, signage, tickets and advertising were much more refined. Thus resulting in a very successful overall event, with a great sense of energy and professionalism.

London 2012 Branding
Various branding elements from the 2012 London Olympics

The first taste of the overall South Australian brand can be seen here from the website What do you think?

I’ll be the first to say the brand has a long way to go before it starts winning people over, but having said that, with time, patience and some extremely clever and effective branding and marketing it may just be the positive bold statement the current Premier is anticipating.

Only time will tell.

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