Why your website needs Essential 8 cyber security

Phone with multi-factor authentication reflecting the essential 8 cyber security principles.

In the ever-evolving landscape of cyber security, protecting your website against threats is critical.

With the Essential 8 cyber security principles for all online systems, the Australian government has provided a roadmap to follow to help protect you against criminals seeking to hack your website.

Failing to secure your website against cyber crime can result in third parties accessing valuable client data such as financial information or customer records. Visitors to your site could also be redirected to malicious sites where they are vulnerable to attacks.

At Argon, we can apply the Essential 8 checklist to the websites we create to guard against cyber threats.

Some of the key elements we can address, whether you’re a new or existing client, include but aren’t limited to:

Application control and administrative privileges

We can ensure that permissions on key folders are secured on the hosting server—and that only the right people have administrator privileges with strong passwords.

Multi-factor authentication

With multi-factor authentication activated, we can further protect your administrator logins. This is your last line of defence if your passwords are compromised.

Patch applications and operating system

Many website breaches can be stopped by simply running the latest patches for both the core website system and any related plugins. We can apply these updates regularly as part of an annual maintenance package so you’re always enjoying the latest and greatest as well as peace of mind.

Regular backups

We can ensure website backups are taken nightly and held for a minimum of 7 days. This helps in the event your site is compromised, as we can restore your site from a backup.

Don’t leave yourself, your customers, and visitors to your website open to cyber attacks.

With the Essential 8 cyber security recommendations guiding us, we are well equipped to help you defend against would-be criminals seeking to invade your site.

Start the journey with our security-savvy website designers and developers today—contact us on 08 8223 3099 or email info@argon.com.au.

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