Dematec Automation.

A website upgrade that reduced confusing technical jargon in order to drive business.

Dematec Automation engaged us to revamp their website—everything from the look and content through to the pages comprising the website itself.

The problem was their previous website was plagued by in-house language their target audience didn’t necessarily understand. There were lots of bewildering acronyms and words that required explanation to anyone not in the know, and which otherwise simply served to confuse—and when you confuse your audience, you’re losing potential business.

So, to ensure the website content was clear and persuasive, we began with an interactive in-person workshop where we used proven marketing principles to bring focus to Dematec’s key messages.

It might sound great to say ‘we can automate your business’, but what does this actually mean? By digging into this we identified what the benefits were for businesses who became Dematec’s clients, and what was at stake for them if they didn’t take action.

With engaging content and a more professional design, we were also able to introduce pages targeting specific industries as well as case studies to better showcase Dematec’s capabilities.

“We engaged Argon in the substantial task of re-building our website, updating our brand and bringing clarity to our message and content.  We are very happy with the result and our brand is now much more engaging to our target clients”

David Hart, Director – Dematec Automation

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