Josh’s European Culture Trip: Part 2

After trekking around Germany and through the Netherlands I jumped on board the ferry at Calais, France en route to England. The imposing buildings, architecture, statues, shrines and overall skyline was inspirational enough but I had my eye set on the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising, a two minute walk from the world famous Portobello Road, Notting Hill.

We arrived early on a Wednesday morning after a quick ride on the tube and the ill-informed decision to skip breakfast. After drying ourselves off from the constant barrage of rain we stepped inside and into the labyrinth of memorabilia, stationery, posters and all round nicknacks that consumer historian Robert Opie had collected since he founded the museum in 1984.

Not really knowing what to expect we initially found ourselves staring at 1800’s ‘artefacts’ mainly involving the royal family. From here the showcase grew and diversified as it encompassed multiple wars, evolution of music, dance genres, architecture, fashion, food packaging, toys and a plethora of other fads and historical events leading right up to present day manufacturing and industry.

After several hours of intrigue, insight and growing hunger we stumbled out of the maze thoroughly inspired and in desperate need of a scone and high tea, after all we were in one of the poshest parts of London.

This short trip was to indulge my creative side while I was away from my computer screen, but the aspect that really surprised me was that the three varied friends that I was travelling with that morning all really enjoyed the experience and admired, as much as I did, the evolution of branding over the past 110 years.

I can highly recommend the Museum of Brands, Packaging and Advertising and implore those travelling through London and who enjoy the art of branding to check it out.

You can find their website here.

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