Welcome Back Katrina!

Some of you may have noticed that we’ve had a team member missing over the last 6 months or so, (alternatively some of you may not have noticed or even know who she is, which is okay too!).

Katrina our Production Manager has been on maternity leave since August last year, and returned to the Argon office last month. She has fitted back in easily with just a few coffees to get through the days, and only minor prodding to remember what size a DL flyer or A2 poster is!

For those that have been asking, the result of Katrina’s maternity leave absence was a baby girl named Emerson, born on August 21st 2013. Time has flown and she has reached many of the milestones that are asked about when talking babies – she can sit up, has started on solids, giggles and grows out of her clothes almost weekly!

Feel free to give Katrina a call at the office, or pop in to say hi. We’re sure she would love to prepare a quote for you sometime soon!

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